
Showing posts with the label RFID Asset Tracking' Asset Tracking System

What Is RFID Asset Tracking?

 Your high-value inventory must be tracked as part of a good inventory management system if your business depends on its availability to generate revenue. Stock, tools, IT devices, vehicles, or employees can be considered. The RFID tracking technology offers efficient tracking in a cost-effective manner, even though there are various options to monitor and track assets. As a way of organizing and tracking physical assets, RFID asset tracking can be categorized in two ways. This process involves loading RFID tags with data and attaching them to assets. There are several kinds of data you can find in this category, including name, quantity, and location. The stored data is captured by RFID readers by capturing the radio waves that repeatedly pulse on RFID tags. Eventually, the data can be tracked and acted on in a sophisticated Asset tracking system . In order to eliminate the highly error-prone methods of pen-and-paper and Excel spreadsheets, it is possible to automate your trackin...